Storms | Spiritual Warfare

As we learn to navigate “spiritual storms” in our own lives, we must grow to learn that true peace is not the absence of the storm, it is finding peace in the storm. Paul encouraged Timothy with this: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).

Excerpt from: Storms | Spiritual Warfare | By Author Nevin White

Check out Chapter Eight, Storms, of Spiritual Warfare or order a copy of the book by visiting or exploring more of this website

If you have questions or comments, then feel free to contact Author Nevin White or connect with him on social media. 

Also, if you are interested, then check out Nevin’s tips for book writing, editing, and publishing on his Blog and Updates section of the website.  Check back there soon for book launching and releasing tips. Also, stay tuned for more excerpts or quotes from the book and more information about subsequent chapters and tips for overcoming spiritual battles. 

Comment below about “storms” or challenges that you have overcome in your own life or with any questions or thoughts you may have on this post!

Giants | Spiritual Warfare

We all encounter giants at one time or another in our lives.  Giants represent large, difficult issues, circumstances, or problems that seem like they won’t go away or ever resolve.  Realize that the battle belongs to the Lord.  If we face giants in our own strength, we will lose.  We must use a similar approach to David to face our own proverbial, figurative, or spiritual battles.  We must lean on God, His strength and His power to overcome our giants. 

Excerpt from: Giants | Spiritual Warfare | By Author Nevin White

To check out the Chapter Seven, Giants, of Spiritual Warfare or order a copy of the book then visit

If you have questions or comments, then feel free to contact Author Nevin White or connect with him on social media. 

Also, if you are interested, then check out Nevin’s tips for book writing, editing, and publishing on his Blog and Updates section of the website.  Check back there soon for book launching and releasing tips. Also, stay tuned for more excerpts or quotes from the book and more information about subsequent chapters and tips for overcoming spiritual battles.

Comment below about giants or battles you have overcome in your own life or with any questions or thoughts you may have on this post!

Fire | Spiritual Warfare

“As we go through trials or through the fire, sometimes it is meant for our good, to refine us.  A refiner’s fire does not consume or destroy, it refines and purifies.”

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Six | Fire

To check out the Fire chapter of Spiritual Warfare then visit and learn about how to survive or thrive through trials and read about “refining fire”!

If you have questions about the book or this chapter, then feel free to contact Author Nevin White or connect with him on social media. 

Also, check out Nevin’s recent book writing, editing, and publishing tips via his blog posts in the Blog and Updates section.  Check back on the blog soon for another post on self-publishing and book launching and releasing tips.  If you have an interest in or questions about writing and launching a book, then let Nevin know and he will collaborate with you!

Exile | Spiritual Warfare

“Have you heard the phrase, ‘I feel like I’m on an island?’  If you have ever lived through a period of isolation, such as separation from people or society, then you can probably relate to this.”  

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Five | Exile

The preceding quote/chapter/book was written just before a certain season we entered as a country and world earlier this year, where we were all separated for a time.  Maybe it was prophetically written perhaps?  Check out the Exile chapter of Spiritual Warfare on for more on this and how to survive or thrive in these types of seasons!

Also, check out Nevin’s recent Book Writing Tips and Book Editing Tips blog posts in the Blog and Updates section and check back soon for more posts on self-publishing and book launching/releasing, etc.  If you are interested in writing and launching a book or launching a website, then let Nevin know and he will respond!

Go to the Contact page to contact Nevin or connect with him on social media!  Check out the Media & Presspage to invite him to media interviews, book events, or speaking events.  Learn more about the book on Goodreads or by messaging Nevin or exploring this website! 

Wilderness | Spiritual Warfare

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19). If you find yourself in a wilderness season, be encouraged! God has not forsaken you.  Instead, He is preparing you. God can use the wilderness to guide, restore, strengthen and prepare us, and it is often out of these seasons that ministry is birthed.

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Four | Wilderness

Check out these quotes and more in Chapter 4 of Spiritual Warfare by ordering the book on  Learn more about the book on Goodreads or by messaging Nevin or exploring this website.  

Also, check out Nevin’s recent Book Writing Tips and Book Editing Tips blog posts in the Blog and Updates section and check back soon for posts on book publishing, self-publishing, book launching, etc.  If you are interested in writing and launching a book or launching a website, then leave a question or comment below and he will respond!

Check out the Media & Press page to invite him to interview, book events, or speaking events.  Go to the Contact page to contact Nevin or connect with him on social media!

Mountains | Spiritual Warfare:

“We often think of mountain tops or peaks as pinnacles or high points in our lives, which certainly may be an accurate analogy at times.  However, in terms of spiritual warfare, occasionally we will see that mountains may actually represent adversity or obstacles to climb or overcome.”

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Three | Mountains

“It is by faith and especially through prayer and fasting that we drive out evil spirits, break addictions, and move the ‘mountains’ in our lives.”

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Three | Mountains

Check out Chapter Three of Spiritual Warfare by contacting Nevin or by ordering the book at or by learning more about the book at Goodreads

Also, check out Nevin’s recent Book Writing Tips blog post in his Blog and Updates section and check back soon for new blog posts about Book Editing, Self-Publishing, and Launching tips.  If you are interested in writing a book or launching a website, then leave a comment or question below and he will get back to you!

Go to the Contact page of this website to connect with Nevin or follow him on social media.  Go to the Media & Press page to invite him to book events, speaking events, or interviews. 

Valleys | Spiritual Warfare:

“However, if we are honest, truly reflect and analyze our lives, it is often the valley or low places that catapult us further in faith in Christ, growing us in areas that we didn’t realize needed growth.  You may even find yourself in the midst of a valley right now.”

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Two | Valleys

“God knew the bones could live, but He wanted to see Ezekiel’s response and involve him as an active participant in the valley experience, grow his faith, and reveal something to him.”

Spiritual Warfare | Chapter Two | Valleys

Check out Chapter Two of Spiritual Warfare by contacting Nevin or by ordering the book at Also, visit Goodreads to see more about his book.

Go to the Contact page of this website to connect with Nevin or follow him on social media. Go to the Media & Press page to invite him to book events, speaking events, or interviews.

Consider stopping by the book signing event at Lulu’s Coffee. Also, check out Nevin’s recent Blog and Updates post about book writing tips and stay tuned for a new posts about book editing tips, self-publishing tips, etc. If you are interested in writing a book, then leave a comment or question below and Nevin will get back to you!

We Are At War | Spiritual Warfare:

“To understand spiritual warfare, though, we must first acknowledge that we are at war. We are in a spiritual war fought in the spiritual realms around us, but it manifests in our physical, mental, and natural realms. Good versus evil. Satan and his dark forces versus God, His angels, and followers of Christ.”

“The Apostle Paul wrote about this in Ephesians 6:12: ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’” 

-Excerpts from: Spiritual Warfare | Chapter One | We Are at War

To read Chapter One of Spiritual Warfare then message Nevin or order the book at Also, check out the book on Goodreads. Check out the upcoming book signing event at Lulu’s Coffee.

To connect with Nevin or follow him on social media, then see the Contact page of this website. To invite him to speaking events, book events, or request an interview, then see the Media & Press page. If there are any upcoming book conferences or book-related-events you are aware of, then let him know.

Also, stay tuned as book writing and self-publishing tips from Author Nevin White are coming very soon. There was some interest in social media for a follow up on this and it will be posted on the Blog and Updates section as well as Nevin’s social media accounts. Are you interested in writing a book? If so, then leave a comment or question below and Nevin will get back to you!

Interested in Writing and Self-Publishing a Book? 

Are you interested in writing and self-publishing a book?  Launching a website?  If you want to hear my thoughts or tips, then comment on this post!  You can send me a message if you prefer that as well.  I learned a LOT through the process and happy to share with you! 

I am considering doing some Blog posts or social media posts about writing, self-publishing, launching a website, etc., if there is enough interest.  


Positive Reviews and Social Media Shout-Outs: 

I need some positive reviews and shout-outs for Spiritual Warfare on Amazon, Goodreads, and Social Media.  I would really appreciate the help and the love! Thank you!! 


Spiritual Warfare Book Signing Event:

Want a signed copy of my new book?! Like coffee or supporting local businesses? Come join me on Sat. 7/11/20 between 10 am to noon for the Spiritual Warfare Book Signing Event!!  RSVP on my Facebook page and feel free to share!

Also, I have some other updates coming soon… stay tuned!!  



To connect with Nevin or contact him, then see the Contact page of this website. To invite him to book or speaking events or interviews then see the Media & Press page or Contact page. Any upcoming book conferences you are aware of?


Spiritual Warfare Book Signing Event:

You are invited to join Author Nevin White at the Spiritual Warfare Book Signing Event.

Hosted at “Lulu’s Coffee” on Saturday 7/11/2020 from 10 am to noon. 

Nevin would be honored to have you come hang out and support him. You will also have the opportunity to support a local, family-owned-and-operated business! He will be available to sign previously purchased copies of the book. He will be selling new copies of the book during this event and signing those as well. Come check out Lulu’s great selection of coffee, other drinks, or food items and meet their team!

Lulu’s Coffee
10139 S Delaware Ave Tulsa, OK 74137
Saturday, July 11, 2020, 10am – Noon

To learn more go to the Facebook Event Page for this book signing event.

To buy the book see the links on the Home page of this website or go to

To connect with Nevin or send him questions about the book or the event go to the Contact page of this website. He will likely be doing other local book signing events in the future. To invite him to a book signing event, speaking event, conference, then send him a message on the Contact page. To invite him for an interview or media venue then see more at the Media and Press page.